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Canal Sanitation, Inc.

39 Ferris St canal sanitation inc canalsanitation inc sanitation inc canalsanitation sanitationincinc red hookrubbishbrooklyn ferris eliminaci basura hook consultants rubbish removal consultores de saneamiento консультанты по санитарии 卫生顾问 eliminación удаление мусора 垃圾清除 brooklyn 39 st 11231 0

Business Sanity

108 Garfield Pl

Are you running your business or is your business running YOU?

business sanity businesssanity sanitypark garfield helps profitability productivity reduceconsultores park slope coaches & consultants marketing entrenadores de negocios y consultores бизнес тренеры и консультанты 商业教练和顾问 по маркетингу 营销顾问 brooklyn 108 pl owners and professional service firms run their businesses more effectively so they can increase reduce stress 11215 0 stress

Letter Grade Consulting

335 Union St Raising the Bar to Lower Your Score letter grade consulting lettergradeconsulting consultingcomida eat drinkcarroll withnyc departmenthealth weour clientsgrades fundamental objective issupply foodestablishments strategies solutionssustaining highestsafety sanitationhotels providesowners everything theyneed forfeiting sanitationinclude carroll gardens business coaches & consultants entrenadores de negocios y consultores бизнес тренеры и консультанты 商业教练和顾问 brooklyn 335 union st consulting offers dependable quality control compliance with the nyc department of health   we assist our clients in achieving and maintaining  a grades decreasing employee turnover and lowering operating costs   our fundamental objective is to supply food service establishments with strategies solutions for sustaining highest level safety sanitation include hotels catering companies multi unit operators coffee chains  golf courses athletic facilities local eateries  letter consulting provides restaurant owners they would need to operate their establishment at without valuable time run 11231 0 health   grades turnover and lowering operating costs   our sanitation include hotels companies operators chains  golf courses facilities eateries level

D + D Carting Co Inc

107 8th St d + carting co inc d+dcartingcoinc possibleourwe servicelarge handleanyprojectmay havewhether need dumpstertearan old roofjunkhelp don settle redfrustrating delayshigh pricescentralized national bigstore outsourcesrd partylocally owned basuraeliminaci contenedores partyordersproject gowanus sanitation consultants garbage collection rubbish & removal containers trash dumpsters consultores de saneamiento консультанты по санитарии 卫生顾问 recolección basura вывоз мусора 垃圾收集 y eliminación мусор и контейнеры 垃圾和垃圾清除和容器 удаление 垃圾清除 для мусорные 垃圾桶和垃圾箱 brooklyn 107 8th st d+d d&d company believes strongly in providing the best services possible to our customers we feel that are small enough provide personalized service but large handle for any size project you may have so whether dumpster rentals tear off an roof or junk can help don't red tape frustrating delays and high prices of a centralized big box store outsources 3rd party is locally answers their own phone processes rental orders give us call today see how with your 11215 0 customers service have so removal help tape delays centralized big box party orders project

New York City Housing Auth

287 Myrtle Ave new york city housing auth newyorkcityhousingauth yorkhousing authfort myrtle ave income citywide leased residents servicio referencia ciudad pueblo gobierno municipal organizaciones servicios sociales oficinas del fort greene consultants & referral service village township government social organizations offices consultores de vivienda y консультанты по жилью и справочная служба 住房顾问和转介服务 город деревня поселковое правительство 市,乡,乡政府 организации социального обслуживания 社会服务机构 государственные офисы 政府机关 brooklyn 287 the authority also known as nycha offers a range of options for low and moderate individuals it administers program in rental apartments provides with opportunities to participate various community educational recreational programs is part which operates through planning building public health education departments maintains police fire parks recreation addition transportation sanitation administration s department law enforcement services its safety 11205 0 city authority nycha low moderate income individuals apartments community programs york planning building departments police fire addition transportation services